This is a short and astounding speech by Robert Reich. What is astounding about it? He is in favor of health care reform, AND, he is being honest about what health care reform will entail. But you will note that not once did he mention the words "death panels", so no one need be alarmed.
News Weakly - 2/22/25
*Unclear On The Concept*
A Florida man shot two Israeli tourists in Florida because ... he thought
they were Palestinians. Now, that's crazy on its own. He ...
Reishhhhhhch claims this was taken out of context. What he was saying is that an honest presidential candidate would have said that.
I noticed that President BO did NOT say that. I assume we all know what conclusion that leads us to.
Well put Joe. The context in this clip is clear, and supports the arguments that Palin made because we all know that there will be a system in place to determine the point at which a person is no longer worth saving. It also, as you point out, validates Joe Wilson's questions concerning Obama's candidness.
The medical profession calls it "compassionate neglect" or "passive euthanasia", generally meaning withholding anything that will prolong the life of a very sick and elderly person, even withholding antibiotics. No one readily admits to it, however.
May I suggest another word that perhaps can be coined: "static-thinking". This is the thinking that occurs when younger people are proponents of policies as if reality is static, and because those policies apply to a different people group, i.e. the aged, they themselves will never be subjected to them.
"...because those policies apply to a different people group, i.e. the aged, they themselves will never be subjected to them."
So true...and they have certainly neglected to note that NEVER is a big big word that lasts a long long time...or maybe the human race will change before the end of NEVER and all will be right with their world...*: )
Keep posting stuff like this i really like it
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