So Bob wakes up in the morning after a night with a prostitute. He goes down town, walks into a bank and robs it. In the process he murders four women after a hostage crises develops. Incredibly, he manages to get away with millions and on the way home stops by a Circle K to pick up a couple of copies of his favorite porn magazines. While there he notices a kid in the store slipping a piece of bubble gum into his pocket. He meets the kid outside and tells him that stealing is wrong.
Question: Given the circumstances surrounding the kid's accuser, was stealing wrong for that kid?
In the world of present day politics, maybe not. We can expect to hear in the coming days an "everybody does it" defense for broken campaign promises. This will serve only to muddy the waters because even though this might be true to some extent, read my lips when I say this, it always seems worse when a certain Party is guilty of it. The idea that breaking campaign promises is bad for America is thus averted.
News Weakly - 2/22/25
*Unclear On The Concept*
A Florida man shot two Israeli tourists in Florida because ... he thought
they were Palestinians. Now, that's crazy on its own. He ...
That's where the "Bad-O-Meter" comes in... The scale is set up Bad<->Worse and powered by the book of the law. It is of course a sliding scale...
Yes; but sometimes the "Bad-O-Meter" slides the wrong way and people get away with murder. The punishment doesn't "fit the crime."
Yeah..that's a REAL bummer for the really "bad" guys...But praise God, I'll never get what I deserve! Thank you Jesus!
I smiled while reading this one! Great analogy. The everybody does it and the inherited mess is gonna get old real fast...nope its already old! :)N
We may grade sin but God doesn't. Sin is sin still and will be judged.
...b-b-b-but Bush left things in such bad shape that lying and cheating may be required to make things right again in America...
I would put nothing past the parasites in control now.
I've been thinking about your comment, and you are right. It made me think of Jesus' words: you who are without guilt cast the first stone. But the man in the story was not desiring to stone or otherwise kill the boy. There wasn't even any indication that he hated him. Heck, for all we know he cared enough for the boy to try to stop him from heading down such a horrible path as the one he had chosen. IN the end he was simply pointing to an absolute truth that was still true, even though he was guilty of it himself.
I have used this story many times in discussions with people when they object to Jesus because of the hypocrisy of Christians. It has aided in pushing everyone else's problems and short comings aside in order to realize that, as you say, we all have that judgment day coming, and that will be one day when it really isn't going go matter what Bob did, or how we stack up next to him.
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