My 10 year old son came home from Sunday School a few weeks ago and told me that they discussed "taking care of the environment" in their class. I gave up on fighting such things a good while back.
It is difficult to fight some things, like the mixing of the religion of environmentalism with the religion of Christianity. I can imagine it now. "What's wrong with conserving resources?" Or: "Are you FOR polluting the planet?" Can you see how easy it is to create a strawman out my unwillingness to turn Sunday School classes into another venue for anti-Christian Environmentalism?
That's why I love this commercial. It portrays a warm pro-life theme that the most caustic and murderous abortion advocate of them all would not dare challenge. (though I would be surprised if the management of Publix are anything but pro-abort liberals)
Hat tip Neil
Worship Service
We all know what a worship service is. It's that thing we do on Sundays
(sometimes Saturdays). But ... that's not the *biblical* version.
Paul wrote,
I a...
Thank you for stopping by Susan.
So, I gotta know. Did you just let that "Guess what we learned in Sunday School today?" moment go by without comment or response? Without a fight, sure, but ...?
I think I'd already "poisoned that well" sufficiently. It was not "guess what I learned in Sunday School..." spoken as if something new had been learned. It "Guess what I learned.." spoken with incredulity.
Hug a tree. :)
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