To be sure, conservatives are not against taxes. They know that roads, bridges, law enforcement, and all the other things part and parcel to a civil society are not free. But then again, all the things that are part and partial to a civil society are worth the price. It's when you find your check getting smaller because of grand ideas and political schemes, like paying for a car you don't get to drive, that raises the conservative's ire.
The fact is that such things are tantamount to slavery. It's simple. The slave works, but the plantation owner enjoys the fruit of his labor. The slave doesn't participate in that fruit, nor does he have a say in how it is used. Of course it's not quite as simple as the old plantation days wherein a man's entire being and life was enslaved. This slavery is much easier to swallow because it happens a little at a time.
Consider that a man works for fifty years of his life. Now consider that every year a percentage of income was confiscated; not for things that he needs and uses, but things he doesn't need, want or use... like say Chevy Volts. In other words, someone else enjoys the fruit of his labor and he has no say in it is used. Let's say that twenty percent of his time on the job is actually stolen from him for, say, political whims or vote buying. That would mean that ten years of his life he was a virtual slave. Ten years of his life has been stolen.
Consider that a man works for fifty years of his life. Now consider that every year a percentage of income was confiscated; not for things that he needs and uses, but things he doesn't need, want or use... like say Chevy Volts. In other words, someone else enjoys the fruit of his labor and he has no say in it is used. Let's say that twenty percent of his time on the job is actually stolen from him for, say, political whims or vote buying. That would mean that ten years of his life he was a virtual slave. Ten years of his life has been stolen.
Someone might say that such things are democracy in action; that the majority decides how tax dollars are spent and it doesn't equate to slavery. There's one problem with this argument. The actual people being enslaved by our current out of control spending can't vote. They can't vote because they haven't been born yet.