God loves you. Oh, he loves you so much. You just need to know just how much he loves you! (whisper) Oh, and by the way, you really ought to accept His love by saying this little prayer here, or he will burn you for eternity in Hell.
Does this make sense to anyone? Anyone at all?
Nothing to Fear
Christian singer Zach Williams has an uplifting song called *Fear Is a Liar*.
It's about how the father of lies lies to us in our fears. "Fear, he is a
Preach it. I realize that not all Christian songs can have the full truths of the Bible, but far too many just have the feel-good Joel Osteen-like lyrics in the first part of your post.
OH! Jesus wants to be my boyfriend!!!!
The Gospel is such a beautiful story. The humanism (man centeredness)that has crept into modern Christianity, all but rejects the wrath of God part of that story. As a result man's salvation becomes a small thing... an accessory of morals so to speak. The whole story is much more compelling and glorious. How do we respond to the whole gospel but by rejoicing and praising our Saviour?
The "Good News" is meaningless unless we first comprehend the desperate nature of the "Bad News"
So true.
This is what my pastor says constantly: "You're a good person and God's not mad at you." Why then would we need Jesus? The Word says the heart is deceitful and wicked and apart from Christ there is nothing good in us. My question is this: are there any biblical churches left? Are there any fellow travelers of the narrow way?
Not many (Biblical churches left) I don't think. It sounds like your pastor is much more interested in his flock feeling comfortable in this life now than being very concerned about that which lies beyond the veil. In my family's morning devotionals I call this your-best-life-now theology. It's kind of like a private joke in our family anymore. We look at each other and kind of chuckle when we hear this sort of non-sense. Your question "Why then would we need Jesus?", is the questions of questions for this kind "thinking" of this age... I think.
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