It's likely you've seen or heard about the footage of Gov. Palin's pardon of a turkey today at a turkey slaughter house. It seems her enemies in the press....aaaahh, her enemy, the press, is making hay over the activity going on in the back ground. It's obvious that the camera man is shooting Gov. Palin at one side of the screen so that the activity in the background can be plainly seen; the activity being the very thing one would expect to see at a turkey slaughter house; the slaughter of turkeys.
From a thinking perspective, it's not evident what Palin's great sin is here, other than not being politically savvy enough to avoid being taken in by her sworn enemies. But we live in an image driven society. It doesn't matter that in less than a week a large majority of Americans will be having turkey for dinner, including those aghast over the "controversial" images in the back ground. Never mind that Beef, chicken, fish, mutton, horse meat for the dog, are all food that must be murdered and prepared for the super market, but the image of such slaughter, it would seem, should not be tolerated. This does beg the question of who looks worse here, Palin or the media showing it all day? But this is a question that requires thinking; something that doesn't come easily for an image driven society.
As to the source of the media's hatred for Palin there can be no doubt. We can be assured that it has nothing to do with her not rescuing turkeys, but rather from the fact that she is a Christian who believes in rescuing babies. The irony of this fact, and the images being shown today, is nothing less than horrific when one considers a filmstrip negative of it. This negative would have Obama, or some other Liberal, pardoning an unborn child from the abortionist's knife while in the background can be seen babies being slaughtered and cut into peaces to be sold to researchers. But don't expect to see images like this from the image brokers because although they themselves have no problem with it, they know that most people would have a serious problem with it. That would sorely upset their powerful apple cart but perhaps worse, we would not be able to continue living the image of our lives sterilized of the horror occurring beyond the viewfinder.
Wars and Rumors of Wars?
I've heard more and more people telling me, "I just don't watch the news
anymore." A few are because of the obvious and unavoidable bias ... from
all sides...
One of the appeals of Palin to me is her innocense.......thus she falls pray to those who are not. WE know the difference praise God.
So appropriately picturesque...
Without Godly vision we would all call good - evil, and evil - good. My prayer is that eyes will be opened to see the hypocrisy of such, but more than that to see that the One who created them loves them deeply, and came to save from an eternal destiny apart from God to an eternity with Him in Heaven.
happy thanksgiving d.w.!!!
thx Pat
Happy Thanksgiving! I hope your day was wonderful...thanks for your great blogging! :)N
I heartily second what your lovely wife said...
Hope you had a blessed Thanksgiving!
I was just reading in John 15:18-21. It is clear that the world's hatred of all things Christian is what Christ told us would happen. As our country deviates further and further from its Judeo-Christian roots, we will become more and more disdained by the world and its secular values. We need to pray for revival in our country... even among our neighbors.
Ouch! You know, the "media" wouldn't like what you've said here. So...keep talking! Somebody's gotta say it! Kudos!
Oh, and I'm with KristiG - pray for revival. Pray that God will somehow use this election outcome to draw our nation back to Him.
Glad to have found you all here!
Of course, I meant TraciG. Have a lovely evening.
Thanks for dropping by Susannah.
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