As president elect Abraham Lincoln made his way to Washington across a nation on the brink of war , he was quoted as saying: "
When men wrangle by the mouth with no certainty that they mean the same thing while using the same words, it perhaps would be as well if they would keep silence".
This remains an apropos statement today and is along the same vane as an ealier post about the
meaning of the word "racist". Much like the word "racist" I would contend that the word "hate" has also suffered torture. It is worthy of consideration that these two words, being cut from the same cloth, have both had to receive the same morphing to accommodate those who throw them around like rocks in a stoning.
Of course to the person who pays a little bit of attention, it is generally understood that the current meaning of this word is often "disagrees with me" or something like that. So then the words "he is preaching hate" usually means "he is preaching something with which I do not agree". This is more than unfortunate but is also frightening because it relieves self proclaimed victims of social "hatred" of any responsibility of self examination, or more importantly, of holding themselves to the very standards they proclaim. Many, after redefining the word, are guilty of the true meaning of that same word as they wage their war against people that simply disagree with them.
This is particularly frightening because of the ultimate ramifications of justifying true hatred under
any circumstances. History is replete with example after example of the results of just such unchecked emotion; 9/11 being only the latest spectacular display. But in less sensational forms, but not less cancerous, it's happening everyday in America's culture wars. I have come to expect such self delusion from the left, what with their displays of vitriolic hatred aimed at president Bush, but I also contend that Bush haters have not cornered the market when it comes to such things either. I would especially caution the Body of Christ on this matter for the day is coming when it will find itself face to face with evil in the form of pure hatred. That will not be the day to begin working on a response.
Hatred is ultimately an abyss that once the self gives permission to enter, that self will find no bottom. In the end true hatred, even if it
is directed against more true hatred, can only be quenched in the natural by death. Is it any wonder then that God's Word warns us that "
there is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death", and even more so Jesus' admonition to
love our enemies. History does teach us that he who does not heed these words will in the end, become, the very thing he so hates.